
  The Language of Magic
...Some aspects of magical lore have become fairly well known. One such is the language of magic.  This is a set of twenty-four syllables compiled by a great language scholar after traveling throughout Britannia for more than seven years. These are all the components of any magic spell yet known; but they are little help--and extremely dangerous--without knowledge of how to combine them into the phrases that make meaningful incantations.
...Following is a list of these powerful syllables, approximations of their meanings, and a guide to their pronunciation.
 ah n 
 n  ah ks 
 b eh t 
 p oar 
 k oar p 
 kw ah ss 
 d eh ss 
 r eh l 
 s aa ng kt 
 fl ah m 
 t ih m 
 gr ah v 
 oo ss 
 h oo r 
 v ah ss 
 ih n 
 w ee ss 
 k ah l 
 z eh n 
 l oar 
 aye l eh m 
 m ah n ee 
 z oo 
The Mixtures of Magic
...Reagents are herbs needed for the preparation of magical mixtures.  Most are sold in apothecaries; a few are hard to find and require special effort to obtain.  Following is a chart of the magical reagents and the general areas of proficiency they affect.
Black Pearl
...A rare version of the standard white pearl, a black pearl is a forceful reagent in the creation of kinesthetic magic, that is, projecting objects.
Blood Moss
...Fungal growth usually found in deep forests and warm, damp areas; especially favored as a reagent for its ability to enhance mobility.
...Ubiquitous and strong-scented reagent, used effectively in warding off evil spirits.
...Ancient reagent used extensively in healing.
Mandrake Root
...Very rare and usually expensive magical herb growing only in swampy areas, mandrake root is said to bring great power to magic that uses it.
Poison, Illusion
...Rare, poisonous plant that appears only when the moons are in a certain conjunction.  Those who learn its whereabouts and manage to be there in the dead of night when the moons are full can pick nightshade without danger and benefit from its powerful ability as a reagent to create illusions.
Spider Silk
...The magical product of the garden spider and its relatives has no peer in its ability to bind.  As a reagent mixed for magic, spider silk magnifies its binding power many times over.
Sulphurous Ash
...Common material left by volcanic action, ash is an excellent source of energy in magical mixtures.