
Reagents & Places To Find Them
 Skara Brae 
 Sulphurous Ash
 Spider Silk
 Blood Moss
 Black Pearl
 Mandrake Root
The Language of Magic
Spell  Mixtures
 An Nox
 cure poison 
 ginseng, garlic 
 An Ylem 
 negate matter 
 garlic, blood moss 
 An Zu
 ginseng, garlic 
 Grav Por
 magical missile 
 sulphurous ash, black pearl 
 In Lor
 sulphurous ash 
 ginseng, spider silk 
 An Sanct
 sulphurous ash, blood moss 
 An Xen Corp
 repel undead 
 garlic, sulphurous ash 
 In Wis
 In Xen Mani
 ginseng, garlic, mandrake root 
 Kal Xen
 call animal 
 spider silk, mandrake root 
 Rel Hur
 wind change 
 sulphurous ash, blood moss 
 In Flam Grav
 wall of fire 
 black pearl, sulphurous ash, spider silk 
 In Nox Grav
 wall of poison 
 nightshade, spider silk, black pearl 
 In Por
 spider silk, blood moss 
 In Zu Grav
 wall of sleep 
 ginseng, spider silk, black pearl 
 Vas Flam
 ball of flames 
 sulphurous ash, black pearl 
 Vas Lor
 great light 
 sulphurous ash, mandrake root 
 An Grav
 dispell field 
 black pearl, sulphurous ash 
 Des Por
 downward move 
 blood moss, spider silk 
 In Sanct
 sulphurous ash, ginseng, garlic 
 In Sanct Grav
 protection field 
 mandrake root, spider silk, black pearl 
 Uus Por
 upward move 
 blood moss, spider silk 
 Wis Quas
 spider silk, nightshade 
 An Ex Por
 magic lock 
 sulphurous ash, blood moss, garlic 
 In Bet Xen
 insect swarm 
 blood moss, spider silk, sulphurous ash 
 In Ex Por
 magic unlock 
 sulphurous ash, blood moss 
 In Zu
 ginseng, nightshade, spider silk 
 Rel Tym
 sulphurous ash, mandrake root, blood moss 
 Vas Mani
 great heal 
 ginseng, spider silk, mandrake root 
 An Xen Ex
 black pearl, nightshade, spider silk 
 In An
 negate magic 
 garlic, mandrake root, sulphurous ash 
 In Vas Por Ylem
 blood moss, sulphurous ash, mandrake root 
 Quas An Wis
 mandrake root, nightshade 
 Rel Xen Bet
 turn enemy into rat 
 sulphurous ash, spider silk, mandrake root, nightshade 
 Wis An Ylem
 mandrake root, sulphurous ash 
 In Nox Hur
 poison wind 
 nightshade, sulphurous ash, blood moss 
 In Quas Corp
 nightshade, mandrake root, garlic 
 In Quas Wis
 nightshade, mandrake root 
 In Quas Xen
 mandrake root, spider silk, blood moss, ginseng, sulphurous ash, nightshade 
 Sanct Lor
 mandrake root, nightshade, blood moss 
 Xen Corp
 black pearl, nightshade 
 An Tym
 stop time 
 mandrake root, garlic, blood moss 
 In Flam Hur
 flame wind 
 sulphurous ash, blood moss, mandrake root 
 In Mani Corp
 garlic, ginseng, spider silk, sulphurous ash, blood moss, mandrake root 
 In Vas Grav Corp
 cone of energy 
 mandrake root, nightshade, sulphurous ash 
 Kal Xen Corp
 mandrake root, garlic, blood moss, spider silk 
 Vas Rel Por
 gate travel 
 sulphurous ash, black pearl, mandrake root